Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 13 to 19 May 2024.

The charity, Mind, have launched a campaign called No Mind Left Behind. They’re calling for awareness and vital funds to be raised for a future where everyone can get quality mental health care when they need it.

We invited our Training Co-Coordinator, Lynda Stayman, to highlight the mental health awareness sessions she runs, and to provide some tips that she hopes will make a positive impact on your daily lives.

Photo of Lynda Stayman, Training Co-Ordinator, with the quote, "there is help available and no one needs to experience poor mental health alone"

“My name is Lynda Stayman and I am the Training Co-Ordinator at CCMS. I am also trained in and deliver Mental Health Awareness sessions.

The training sessions cover the following areas;

  • How the Brain works
  • Perceptions of Mental Health
  • Causes & Symptoms of Mental Health conditions
  • Types of Mental Health conditions
  • Work related stress
  • How to help / respond to someone who is experiencing poor Mental Health
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Benefits of talking therapies
  • Sources of support

I am really passionate about discussing mental health and encouraging mental health awareness.

Having worked in mental health / talking therapy services for a number of years in a previous role and having had my own personal experiences with mental health, I know first-hand just how important it is to talk. But also, to be able to recognise and help people who may be struggling with this.  

The important thing to remember is that there is help available and that no one needs to experience poor mental health alone. There are services available for anyone who requires immediate and ongoing support;

Samaritans are available 24/7: Call 116 123 or contact your local Crisis Team.   

There are also lots of hints, tips and ideas out there that can help us all with our ongoing health & wellbeing. (Be sure to use only reputable sources of information). Both the NHS and Mind websites provide good sources of support, including signposting to local talking therapy services and self-help apps.

Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health, so setting time aside to do this will create a positive impact in your life.  Here are a few tips;

  • Do some of your favourite things – This will promote a positive mindset, even if this is just allowing yourself time to relax.
  • Preparation – Feeling overwhelmed is so common, if you are able to prepare for the day / week ahead, you are less likely to be anxious about upcoming events.
  • Listen to your body – if you are feeling fatigued and a bit ‘burnt out’ then it’s probably time to slow down and rest for a while.