Action for Brain Injury Week: Case Study

May 20 – 26 2024 is Action for Brain Injury Week with the theme of ‘A Life Re-written’. It illustrates how brain injury can affect anyone at any time. It focuses particularly on how it throws plans into disarray, changes life goals, and even the sense of who we are.

Image showcasing the logo for action for brain injury week, with the theme of the campaign which is 'a life re-written'

We wanted to showcase a recent client’s story where this is exactly what happened. CCMS Case Manager, Lauren McAvoy, stepped in to help her client after a road traffic accident.

Mr A is a client who was involved in a road traffic accident last year. He sustained an acquired brain injury and multiple severe orthopaedic injuries.

Prior to the accident, the client was a high-functioning, professional person. He had a responsible, demanding job and enjoyed a range of hobbies with his wife and children.

Mr A had very little inpatient rehabilitation. Once home, he found himself in a crisis period, struggling with the reality of trying to cope with severe polytrauma and the loss of his usual roles and identity. The initial plan was to meet for an initial needs assessment. However, it was irrefutably clear that he required some urgent crisis intervention and professional support at home.

Mr A’s needs were met with professionalism and compassion. A therapeutic relationship was quickly developed whereby we could collaboratively agree a way forwards. Urgent interim funds were also approved to build a multi-disciplinary team around him. All initial assessments were completed within 1-4 weeks; a huge source of relief and support for Mr A.

A life re-written

Now more than six months on, an excellent working relationship has developed between Mr A, his Case Manager and the wider multi-disciplinary team. Although still early in the rehabilitation journey, he is working on his goals, finding new hobbies and interests and striving to return to the job he loves.

Action for Brain Injury Week is an important chance to highlight clients stories such as Mr A’s. It shows how quickly life can change in light of a brain injury. We’d like to thank Lauren for her hard work on this case and for helping Mr A with his rehabilitation journey.